RT @alexvoica: #MIPS R4000 was one of the first 64…

RT @alexvoica: #MIPS R4000 was one of the first 64-bit microprocessors, had an eight-stage integer pipeline and ran #WindowsNT
RT @alexvoica: #MIPS R4000 was one of the first 64-bit microprocessors, had an eight-stage integer pipeline and ran #WindowsNT
“Thor: patent free, open source video codec” lwn.net/Articles/65417… #linux #feedly
RT @MIPSGuru: World first: C# kernel running on Creator Ci20 ow.ly/QHdTo via @Fling_OS #MIPS
RT @SoVeryBritish: The terrible guilt of abandoning a scorching hot tea when you leave for work
RT @CSLewisDaily: “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” ~ #CSLewis
RT @akbardotinfo: Secure Your Linux Desktop and SSH Login Using Two Factor Google Authenticator cyberciti.biz/open-source/ho…
So true it is frightening! twitter.com/paullicino/sta…
RT @_youhadonejob: All this technology….
RT @_youhadonejob: The world can be a confusing place.
@paulrteich Wow, UNIVAC, that is so cool.